May, 2016
MCG UPDATE: As of May, 2016, Mountainview Consulting Group’s Patricia Robinson was bestowed the title of Fellow for the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences (ACBS). Receiving “Fellowship” with ACBS is the highest honor provided to scholars, clinicians, researchers, and advocates who uphold and model the values of the association.
Other 2016 ACBS Fellows include: Jacqueline A Tjak, MSc; Hannah BockarieDarin Cairns, MS; Victoria Follette, PhD;. Robert Kohlenberg, PhD; Raimo Lappalainen, PhD; Paolo Moderato, PhD; Takashi Muto, PhD;. Nanni Presti, MD, PhD; Harold “Hank” Robb, PhD; Dennis Tirch, PhD; & Mavis Tsai, PhD
Congratulations to Patti and all 2016 ACBS Fellows!
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